Saturday, April 30, 2016

How Volkswagen Egypt Cost Us 7,385 EGP

I am writing to you from Egypt to share with you my latest incident and Volkswagen complaint. Kindly bear with me cause it is not a short email, and it is  just to give a clear picture aiming to have a rational objective reply from your end.

Here are the details:

•    Car: Jetta VW 2012
•    Chassis: 124203
•    Motor#: 82231
•    Plate: 937 DDS

Since day one of earning my car (i.e. 2013) I started repairing and fixing it at EATC Volkswagen agent & dealer  here in Egypt and on a regular basis. I planned for a vacation of 3 days here in Egypt to start on 22/4/2016. To be prepared and avoid negative surprises, I have sent my car On 5/4/2016 to VW repair shop, branch Oubour, for a usual checkup.

Entered the queue line around 10am and finished at 11:54:56. Attached is the detailed invoice (changed oil, 3 filters, air, gasoline and oil). However they proposed to change breaks which I informed them to postpone for the next checkup on my responsibility.

On 22/4/2016 I started my trip heading from Cairo to Gouna Hurghada, a drive of around 400 km. during my trip the car broke down in the middle of the road (area zagfarana, around 200 km to Gouna) due to dynamo belt (photo attached).

As a conclusion:

•    Had to send my family by taxi
•    Had to go and search for a road assist truck
•    Spend 4 hours on the road just to deliver my car to VW easy way agent at hurghada
•    Conclusion: ruined  my vacation, consumed effort and money (taxi, truck, etc.) and a new repair cost (attached)

All that due to weak observation from Volkswagen repairing team which they didn’t spot the belt. In addition, VW easy way agent at hurghada spotted a new issue. An oil leakage in gear box and due to which they asked for additional days to analyze and revert to VW HO in Cairo. This last turned out to be closed due to their weekly day off and holiday (April 23,24 and 25).

All that forced me to stay waiting at hotel for another 2 days for check out. Furthermore, they advised to ship the car to HO Cairo and not allowed to drive back the car.

As a conclusion:

•    2 extra days at hotel
•    Taxi round trip from Gouna to Hurghada
•    Truck to ship back the car from Hurghada to Oubour
•    Delay to resume my work
•    Family taxi to go back from Gouna to Cairo

On 27/4/2016 went to VW to deliver and check gear box as well to submit my complaint and irritation. They acknowledged verbally the belt issue and their weak point proposing a discount on any future repairing. By policy they cannot rectify emotional hassle and financial burden. Today I am in front of a second issue which is due to gear box.

The outcome is:

•    To check and take photo to send to Germany for gear box will take 7 working days
•    Volkswagen Germany to diagnose and revert and ship the devices needed will take 6 to 8 weeks
•    Gear box under life time guarantee which will be free, but labor charges will be under the client balance

As a conclusion:

•    Will spend 2 months without my car
•    Will be forced to rent a car for 2 months
•    Anonymous charges will take a chunk out of my account
•    The gear box will dilute the resale value of my car in the future

The following is a list of the additional expenses in EGP:

22/4 - truck to Gouna: 1,000
22/4 - taxi family from zagfarana to Hotel: 400
22/4 - taxi  from VW easy way to hotel: 185
26/4 - taxi from hotel to VW: 300
26/4 - repair at VW easy way: 1,700
26/4 - family taxi from gouna to cairo: 1,200
26/4 - truck from Gouna to Cairo: 1,700
26/4 - 2 days hotel accomodation: 900TOTAL: 7,385

Thank you for bearing with me and looking forward for your comments and reply. If anyone can contact Volkswagen corporate for me that would be great.